Not in terrible shape currently

I actually do not feel bad about the state of the team to be honest. I never expected them to suddenly become flawless towards the playoffs. I don’t do a lot of hoping for the team-just watch it unfold now. I want different, but nothing I can do about it-no worries.

The defense 2 years ago was so bad that I would never have expected this complete turnaround this quickly. They gave up 34 points yesterday (not 40 as many Dak defense league keep repeating)-maybe should have been 27 if not for another interception deep in Cowboys’ territory. I would say they are wearing down, sustaining many injuries, and playing more poorly at the same time. I understand the frustration, but some of you forget the recent past of this defense.

The offense still occupies the enormous bulk of the salary cap, which is what the team’s front office built to be the strength of the club.

The offensive line and running backs are playing well in the rushing attack. Very up and down pass protection currently and for the bulk of the season. Wide receiver play has been decent and tight end play as well. The quarterback has had a similarly up and down performance sheet.

Unfortunately, this team needs even more from the QB than up and down play. The decision on the first interception just to throw the ball is one of many recent examples of how poor his decision making can be at times. The decision to even release the ball on 3rd down on the last 4th quarter drive was another. Unless Noah Brown is wide open, you do not throw the ball-you run forward and slide and remember that you’re a seven year veteran being paid to first not do stupid things.

All I can say is that this is still the very best landscape the NFC has provided for advancing to the NFCCG in the past 26 years. If the Cowboys cannot make it happen now, they should absolutely start immediately planning on the end of the Dak and current core era. They will not get better opportunities. I suspect the front office will extend him even if the Cowboys go one and done-pointing to recent regular season success as the benchmark along with making the playoffs two years in a row.

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