Thoughts about the game-this is on the front office!

-We saw what this passing offense looked like post Dez, pre-Cooper. Lamb continues to struggle with drops and nobody else could get open. What makes matters worse, team could of signed Julio Jones for a bag of footballs this offseason. Front office could of signed a veteran, but chose not to do so.

-Kellen Moore has gotten this offense the #1 in yards in the past, but has no idea how to use the running game what so ever. Why get away from the run game when it's working? Why not protect your suspect OL? He has no idea how to take advantage of Pollard's skillset. Really hope this team moves on from Moore after the season.

-Run defense got totally gashed, looked like the same defense that got manhandled against the 49ers in the playoffs. Until they fix this weakness, they will never become an elite unit in this league.

-Parsons is no doubt a superstar and did his best to keep his team in the game, but no team is going to beat a Brady led team when the offense scores 3 points.

-Tyler Smith is our new LT now and for the future. He had a difficult matchup with zero help and he held up very well. Yes, made a mental mistake that led to a sack, but pretty much kept Barrett as a non factor all game long.

-I feel bad for both Dak and MM, as they will get blamed for another bad season and the ownership gets a free pass the way they handled this offseason. Their team management is the reason why they are consistently unsuccessful.

-Where do we go this season? Probably another year outside the playoffs. It's a year of evaluation, play all your young kids and find out who belongs long-term. Make everyone available via trade outside of Parsons/Diggs and Tyler Smith.

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