The pressure is on the wrong people

The pressure is on the wrong people in the Cowboys organization. Healthy organizations hold the people at the top accountable for results. If they don’t get the results desired they are replaced. Not in Big D.

Here the owner holds mid and low-level people accountable for mistakes made at the top. It’s completely dysfunctional. Here’s the undeniable truth of all healthy organizations: If the people at the top are not held accountable, you can have no accountability anywhere else in that organization. This the foundational flaw that makes all of this 28 year playoff drought so maddening.

I‘m all for putting pressure on coaches and players to perform at the highest level with focus, discipline and execution. Those men are professionals. Good leaders hold everyone accountable for results. But if they themselves are not accountable while the mid and lower level people are, it creates an organizational cancer that left unaddressed just festers.

As a lifelong Cowboys fan I want this team to win every game every year including this year. But I also have to be honest when I look at this organization and think, “Will this year be any different?” I just can’t say “yes” until something changes. I will happily be wrong if a miracle happens.

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