The Cowboys and Complimentary Football

Apparently there are multiple definitions of the term “complimentary football”. For purposes of this discussion, I’m going to define CF as the ability of the three phases of the team – offense, defense and STs – to help each other to do whatever it takes to win football games.

Here are some examples of what I mean:

  • If your offense is stalled early in the game and cannot move the ball, the defense must step up their game to keep the the opposing offense from scoring, getting a turnover or at least holding them to FGs.
  • If the defense is playing well early, it should inspire the other two phases to play well.
  • If the offense takes the opening kickoff and scores a TD, the defense can compliment that by forcing a punt from the opponent.
  • If the offense is struggling, STs can step up and make plays on punt coverage, cause a TO or even make a long FG to give the team momentum when most needed.

A great example of complimentary football was provided in last year’s SB:

  • The chiefs 5 possessions in the first half were – punt, punt, punt, fumble then a FG at end of the half.
  • The chiefs defense stepped up. Despite getting gashed early by the niners offense, the chiefs D kept them in the game by forcing an early fumble and holding the niners to only 10 points, giving Mahomes and the chiefs offense time to get it together.
  • In the second half the chiefs offense outscored the niners 22-12.
  • Without that defensive performance, the chiefs don’t win the SB.

The Cowboys had 6 losses last season including the playoff embarrassment to the pack, and in 4 of those losses, the games got out of hand early because none of the three phases could help the other to get out of their funk. In the packer game, GB took the opening KO and drove 75 yards in 12 plays. The Cowboys offense responded with a three and out. Then after forcing a packers punt, Dak threw a pick, and it’s 14-0. The offense HAD to respond. They punted.

In the second half, the Cowboys first possession resulted in a FG making it 27-10. The pack then went 75 yards in 5 plays to make it 34-10. That was a classic case of all phases of a team failing. Dak was awful. The defense was awful. STs did nothing special. No complimentary football.

The screams for a new HC, a new QB, upgrades at certain other positions won’t matter if this team cannot get better at complimentary football.

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