Our In-House Media is Killing It!

This year has been the best year ever, in my opinion, and my history as a fan. And I don’t just mean the in-house coverage; I’m talking about their coverage of the team in general.

People sometimes say they don’t like Spagnola, or Eatman, or whatever. I like all of those guys and our females are all top-notch. But I particularly like Iisha’s approach and desire to really learn about the game.

It’s really about what they all bring together. And their producers stepped up their game in 2023. I wonder who’s behind that, and the much better video quality from camp. Whoever it is, good work.

The biggest addition or improvement has been from a production aspect. We have Nate Newton sounding interesting. We have a fresher-sounding Mickey Spagnola. Say what you want, Youmans is good. But he knows it, and I think wants to prove it. The only problem with that is, we already see it, and he can sometimes talk over Stanback and Bill. But that’s a great crew right there.

Hailey Sutton was a tad green last year, perhaps a bit apprehensive. But man, this year it’s like she’s been at it for a decade. Total pro right there. Eatman is improving on camera, and does better when he’s just being himself rather than trying to imitate Youman’s energetic style. He always keeps it real and speaks from a lot of experience. You need that Youmans energy but not from the whole staff. I’m definitely leaving out the newer, talk show guys/gals. But I can’t complain about any of them.

I think Broaddus got sidetracked a bit from the pandemic last year, but once he digs in, he’s got some interesting takes on various issues, whether we agree with him all the time or not. Patrick No C, and others do well, too.

Who could forget Jesse Hollie?I like how he’s serious sometimes, and then not afraid to goof off a little to lighten things up.

Jess does well, although I sense she projects a little conflict somewhere, but I haven’t paid attention to it all that much, so I could be reading her wrong. She’s a near spitting image of one of my ex’s, like the resemblance is crazy. Same first name, too. But my ex was probably crazier, truth be told. I’m also leaving out some of the females because I can’t remember their names off-hand.

We also have our resident media personnel who work for outside publications, a conglomerate that I also happen to have a contract with, although I’m currently not actively publishing, and my niche is a different topic. But I plan on revamping that back up in January or shortly after.

Anyway, I just wanted to give the media folks their due propers. They deserve it. Keep that coverage coming and I’ll never even be tempted to watch Dip Bayless ever again, and I promised myself to never intentionally give him even a single click — even if he does co-host with Michael Irvin.

Just wanted to give a shout out to the crew at DC and elsewhere. And, lastly, I can’t forget Reality, all the mods, and the other commonfolk posters who make this such and awesome place to be a fan.

Thank You all, for doing such a bang up job around here and out there.

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