My Dad is why I’m a Cowboys Fan

Sixty years ago this October, when I was only six years old, my Dad took me to my first Cowboys game at the Cotton Bowl. It was October 18, 1964 and the Cowboys were playing one of their first rivals at that time – the Cleveland Browns. The Browns won the game 20-16 led by one of the greatest players in NFL history, the great Jim Brown. JB rushed for 188 yards that day.

My memories of that game are much like what most six year olds would remember. I vividly remember walking up the ramp to our seats on about the 15 yard line on the west side of the field. The real grass was so green and the silver pants of the Cowboys looked shiny and very cool. My Dad bought me a “program“ which were so popular in those days. I kept that thing for many years although by the time I was in college I lost track of it.

Dad had played guard on a high school football state championship team back in 1951, and played one year of college football before focusing on just getting his degree, getting married and starting a family. He taught me how to play multiple sports and was so fun to be around, the kids in the neighborhood would often ring the doorbell to see if my Dad would come outside and throw the football with them. He let 4 or 5 kids hang on his back to try and tackle him. He would lumber a few yards and then fall laughing all the way.

My Dad, younger brother and I watched countless Cowboys games on TV over the years and those wonderful, fun memories will last forever. We all 3 also went to a few Cowboys games together at Texas Stadium. Being a Cowboys fan started with my father.

I realized many years ago that I am very, very blessed to have had a father who was my hero. He’s the man I still want to be. This August he turns 90. He has Alzheimer’s now, and much of his memory is gone. But I still see him often, and he still remembers that special day in October a long time ago when he took this little kid to his first Cowboys game.

Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers out there.

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