Poll: Predict the Season Record for the 2024 Cowboys (OFF-SEASON EDITION)

How many wins and losses will the Cowboys have in the 2024 season?
Option Votes
17-0 2
16-1 0
15-2 0
14-3 0
13-4 1
12-5 11
11-6 21
10-7 43
9-8 31
8 or fewer wins 26
I thought we would do something a little different this year and run two separate season-prediction polls for fans who want to participate.

This is not about being right or wrong but simply sharing your current opinions on how you think the Cowboys will perform in the upcoming 2024-2025 season based on the off-season moves they have made so far.

It will be interesting to see how the opinions of the Cowboys fan base change between now and the start of the season when the annual prediction poll thread is posted.

As always, you do not have to vote in the poll, but everyone is welcome to post their thoughts and comments in this thread.

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