2023 Red Zone Scoring Percentage (TD Only)

Last season, the Dallas Cowboys had the most efficient red zone scoring offense in the NFL with 71.4% of drives in the red zone ending up as TD’s. Kansas City was 2nd with 71.1% and Philadelphia 3rd with 68.0%.

We are only including TD’s in our red zone scoring.

This season, the end of game #8 against the Eagles, the Cowboys were ranked 29th with 43.8% TD’s in the red zone.

After three more games, the Cowboys are ranked 16th with 54.4%. During those three games their combined red zone percentage was 78,6% That was 11 out of 14 times.

The Eagles combined scoring in the red zone over their last three games is 100%, 10 out of 10 drives. They are now ranked 5th for the season at 62,79%.


The Eagles red zone scoring in away games this season is 50%.

The Seahawks have been very poor in red zone TD’s. They are ranked 25th with 47.2% for the season and 40% for the last three games. Thir home and away percentages are practically even with home being 47.4% and away at 47.1%.

Miami and Buffalo are ranked #1 and #2 respectively in red zone scoring for the season. Miami is also ranked #1 for the season at home games with 80% of red zone drives ending up as TD’s.

It seems as though the Cowboys offense has repaired their red zone issues for the most part. However, it is now the Cowboys red zone defense that must win against the most efficient red zone offenses in the NFL.

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